In the Pre-K program, your child will become well prepared for Kindergarten.
Class time consists of circle time, centers, free play, Bible stories, art, music, social studies, and science. Chapel, Motor Skills (physical education) class, Spanish, and library time are offered weekly.
Our four-year-old students use the following curriculums: One-in-Christ curriculum (Christian education), Learning Without Tears (handwriting, literacy, numbers, math), Frog Street Press (phonics, math, social studies), Mango Math, and Scholastic’s Let’s Find Out (weekly reader).
For children turning four by September 1 (and are fully potty trained), we offer the following programs:
- 3-day (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday): $500/month
- 5-day program: $650/month
See complete tuition and fee information here.
We set the following goals for our Pre-K 4-year-old students:
Academic goals:
Your child will learn pre-reading and pre-math skills needed for Kindergarten, and be introduced to science and social studies. We strive to make all activities and lessons fun and educational for our Pre-K students.
Our Pre-K students learn from The Letter People curriculum, which develops oral language, phonological awareness, and letter identification in a developmentally appropriate hands-on interest setting. The Letter People puppets, songs, and stories stimulate the imagination and draw children into the learning process. The Letter People uses a thematic approach focusing on phonemic awareness, language, science, math, and social skills.
Your four-year-old will have the opportunity for weekly Spanish language lessons. The children develop a love for learning the language through song and play.

Socio-Emotional Goals:
We will continue to focus on social skills such as getting along, sharing, and using words to express ourselves and work out our differences. Students will gain independence, particularly the ability and confidence to do things for themselves, such as opening lunches and cleaning up after themselves, putting things away, packing up backpacks, etc.
Gross and fine motor skills are all integrated into the lessons. For instance, students will spend time developing fine motor skills when practicing handwriting and scissors skills. Students will also have plenty of opportunities to flex gross motor skills during daily outdoor recess and weekly Motor Skills (physical education) class.
Spiritual Growth:
Pre-K students continue the One In Christ curriculum (introduced in the three-year-old program) to learn more about Jesus and His love for us through Bible lessons. Weekly Chapel time is led by Fishers of Men Lutheran Church’s pastor, the preschool director, or the chapel leader. Parents are welcome to attend Chapel.