Whether you student is moving up from our 2-year-old class or is new to Little Fishers Preschool, we’re thankful you’re here!
In our 3-year-old class, your child will be introduced to academics that will form the basis for future learning and further develop socio-emotional and motor skills. The class includes circle time, centers, free play, art, music, and science. Chapel, motor skills (physical education) class, Spanish class, and library time are offered weekly.
Students in our 3’s class use these curriculums: One-in-Christ curriculum (Christian education), Scholastic’s ABCs Charts (phonics), Learning Without Tears (handwriting), and Frog Street Press (science, math, and literacy).
For children turning three by September 1, we offer the following programs:
- 3-day (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday): $450/month
- 5-day program: $600/month
See complete tuition and fee information here.
Students in our 3-year-old class must be potty trained: have the ability to communicate their needs, be independent in the bathroom, pull up and down their own clothing, clean themselves, and wash their hands. Classes will make several bathroom trips throughout the day, and staff will positively promote children’s toilet training successes. Please send a change of clothes in your child’s backpack in case of an accident.
Goals for three-year-old students include:
Academic goals:
In math, students will learn to recognize shapes, count to 30, recognize numbers 1-15, and practice matching and sequencing. Students will be introduced to each alphabet letter through songs and stories. Nursery rhymes are another source for three-year-olds to be exposed to pre-reading skills and phonemic awareness. We have a special “Show N Tell” each week to tie into the “Letter of the Week”.
As a three-year-old, your student has the opportunity to begin Spanish language lessons. Through song and play, the children develop a love for learning language.
Students will be introduced to simple science with hands-on lessons at the science table/center, and also during outdoor play.

Socio-Emotional Goals:
Motor Skills:
Many of our three-year-old students’ fine motor skills will feature growing self-reliance, such as toileting needs (hand washing, zipping and buttoning up clothing, etc.) Writing, using scissors, gluing, and using other art mediums will further fine motor skills. Students will also have plenty of opportunities to flex gross motor skills during outdoor recess and weekly Motor Skills (physical education) class.
Spiritual Growth:
Your child will be given regular opportunities to grow in faith as they learn about Jesus’ love for them and others. We will pray together daily. Three-year-old students will continue the weekly Bible lessons from the One-In-Christ curriculum, which follows Biblical stories and teachings chronologically. Weekly Chapel time is led by Fishers of Men Lutheran Church’s pastor, the preschool director, or the chapel leader. Parents are welcome to attend Chapel.