In our Younger 2’s class, your child will experience play time, circle time, learning activities, art, music, and weekly Chapel and Motor Skills (physical education) time.
For children turning 18 months old by January 1, we offer the following programs:
- 2-day: Tuesdays and Thursdays, $350/month
- 3-day: Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, $450/month
See complete tuition and fee information here.
Younger 2’s students do not need to be toilet trained. Parents provide diapers or pull-ups and a change of clothes for their child.
Our 18-month-old students have a rest time each day after lunch, and parents should have their students bring a sleep mat to rest on. Students may also bring a stuffed toy or doll for rest time.
We provide hands-on experiences, real-life adventures, and assisted discovery as they explore educational concepts through play. Goals for Younger 2’s students include:
Academic goals:
Students will learn color and shape recognition, sorting and matching by shape and color, the alphabet, and counting 1 to 10.

Social-Emotional Goals:
Your child will explore their wants, needs, and feelings, as well as learn to follow teachers’ directions. We will focus on social expectations such as sharing and taking turns, using manners, and respecting our friends. We will do all this in a Christ-filled environment where your child knows they are safe and loved.
Physical Goals:
Students will be presented with opportunities to continue to develop their fine and large motor skills with hands-on projects, organized activities, and open play time.
Students will work toward becoming independent in daily activities such as washing hands, picking up toys, lining up and walking as a group, and packing and unpacking their belongings.
Motor Skills class meets once a week. During this time, we work on the child’s large gross motor development through organized activities.
Spiritual Growth:
Your child will be given regular opportunities to grow in faith as they learn about Jesus’ love for them and others. We will pray together daily. Each week, students will learn about the Bible from the Little Lambs curriculum or the One-in-Christ curriculum, which follows Biblical stories and teachings chronologically. Weekly Chapel time is led by Fishers of Men Lutheran Church’s pastor, the preschool director, or the chapel leader. Parents are welcome to attend Chapel.